
Magnetisation reversal processes at artificial spin ice vertices

D.M. Burn, M. Chadha, L.F. Cohen and W.R. Branford

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Honolulu, Hawaii Nov 2014

Geometrical patterning of a magnetic thin film allows for the manipulation of the shape anisotropy, modifying the magnetisation behaviour. Nanoscale magnetic bars in the single domain regime with uniform axial magnetisation have an associated magnetic charge at both ends. When arranged in a kagome lattice structure where three bars connect 120 degrees, a finite magnetic charge must reside at each vertex. These structures are known as artificial spin ice and allow for the investigation into fundamental magnetic frustration effects in a system where the interactions can be manipulated.

Magnetic charge defects in these structures move about due to charge carrying domain wall (DW) nucleation and propagation processes in the nanobars[1]. The charges follow a path determined by a combination of the spin configuration at the vertex, the micromagnetic structure of the DW and the frustration in the system[2].

In this work, experimental MOKE measurements have been used to probe the magnetisation behaviour in an ASI structure. Here, changes in the magnetisation indicate transitions in the magnetic configuration which take place at various switching fields. Variation of the sample alignment adjusts the bias on the relative sub-lattice bars whist manipulation of the applied field sequence allows different initial states to be investigated. Asymmetries in the angular dependence of the switching field reveal the influence of the spin structure at the vertex[3] upon the DW nucleation process. This allows direct DW nucleation switching processes to be compared with avalanche effects from transitions in neighbouring vertices. Additionally, micromagnetic simulations give further insight into the origins of these transitions based on the spin structure at the vertex and how this relates to the chirality of the nucleated DW.

This research builds on our understanding of fundamental magnetic frustrated systems and has potential for technological developments involving the manipulation of magnetic charge for on-chip applications.

[1] E. Mengotti, et.al. Nat. Phys. 7, 68. (2010)
[2] K. Zeissler, et.al. Sci. Rep., 3, 1252. (2013)
[3] S.A. Daunheimer, et.al. Phys. Rev. Let. 107, 167201. (2011)